A psychologist is speaking to a young person. This young person is worried about having a phobia. Read the conversation and fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You will not use all of the words.
calm down come on confused fear hurt
in danger issue shake still wrong with
PSYCHOLOGIST: | So, why are you here today? How can I help? |
YOUNG MAN: | Well, I’m 25 years old, and some of my friends are getting married. I have a friend, but when I think about getting married, I get a really strong feeling of _________. Do you think I have a phobia? |
PSYCHOLOGIST: | I don’t think so. Many people feel scared about getting married. |
YOUNG MAN: | Really? Are you sure I don’t have a phobia? How do you know? |
PSYCHOLOGIST: | First of all, people with phobias feel like they are ____________ when they are not. There’s really no reason to be scared. But you have a good reason. I think you’re scared because you’re not ready to get married. |
YOUNG MAN: | But my friends are ready. They’re getting married. What’s _____________ me? Why am I so scared? Am I just a big baby? |
PSYCHOLOGIST: | ____________. Don’t be angry with yourself. This is a/an ____________ for many people-not feeling ready to get married. |
YOUNG MAN: | Maybe you’re right. But when I think about getting married, my heart beats fast and my hands ___________. My whole body feels bad. Are you sure I don’t have a phobia? |
PSYCHOLOGIST: | I’m sure you don’t. There are good reasons to scared of getting married. |
YOUNG MAN: | What are they? |
PSYCHOLOGIST: | Well, first of all, marriage is not easy. Married people sometimes fight and ___________ each other. Sometimes they’re very unhappy. This is a big decision. Don’t get married if you’re not sure about it. Don’t do it if you feel _____________. |
YOUNG MAN: | But what if l never get married? What about my parents? They really want me to get married, but I’m __________ not sure. My parents will be so angry! |
PSYCHOLOGIST: | Please, _____________. Don’t get so upset. When you are ready to get married, you’ll know it. You’ll be happy, not scared. |