College and Work: You can do both!

College and Work: You can do both!

College and Work: You can do both!

Everyone knows that a college student’s life isn’t easy. Most students take four or five classes each semester. Students must study, do homework, and take tests for every class. They have very busy schedules. But for some students, their schedules can be even more difficult. In the United States, 80 percent of all college students work either part-time or full-time while they are in college. In other words, many students go to college and have a job at the same time.

Balance School and Work

Jobs can be important for college students. Of course, students earn money, but jobs can teach students other things, too. Students can get a lot of experience from their jobs. Students who work can also learn how to spend and save their money carefully. This experience can help them after they graduate from college. However, they also need to learn to balance school and work at the same time. Here are some suggestions that may help.

Find an Understanding Employer 

Be sure to tell your employer that you are a college student. Sometimes you might need to leave work early to prepare re for a class. Sometimes you might need to take time off to study for an exam. A good boss will understand your situation.

Schedule Your Time Carefully

Make a schedule of your classes and give yourself enough time to study. Plan your work hours carefully. Your classes are most important right now. Too much work can make you very tired. It’s hard to do classwork when you feel this way.

Don’t Work Too Many Hours

Perhaps you have classes for 12-18 hours per week. This might not sound like a lot of hours. However, you also need time to study and do homework. Because of this, college students cannot work more than 20 hours per week and still do their schoolwork well.

Work Weekends

Weekends are a good time to work. You will have more time to study and prepare for your classes on weekdays.

Make Time for Fun 

A busy college student needs time to relax, too. Take breaks occasionally and schedule some time each week to relax and have fun. Go out with friends and enjoy yourself. Then you will feel ready to go back to your classes and your job, too!

Read the passage. Use the sentences below to complete the outline. Write the number only.

1. Plan your work hours carefully.

2. You also need time to study and do homework.

3. Students can get a lot of experience from their jobs.

4. Go out with friends and enjoy yourself.

5. Tell your employer that you are a college student.

6. You will have more time to study and prepare for your classes on weekdays.

7. Most students take four or five classes each semester.

I. Introduction: A College Student’s Life Isn’t Easy.

A.  ________________

B. Students must study, do homework, and take tests for every class.

C. In the United States. 80 percent of all college students work part-time or full-time while they are in college.

II. Balance School and Work

A. Students earn money.

B.  ____________

C. Students who work learn how to spend and save their money carefully.

Ill. Find an Understanding Employer

A.  _______________

B. Sometimes you might need to leave work early to prepare for a class or to study.

C. A good boss will understand your situation.

IV. Schedule Your Time Carefully

A. Make a schedule of your classes and give yourself enough time to study.

B.  __________

V. Don’t Work Too Many Hours

A.  _______________

B. Most college students cannot work more than 20 hours per week.

VI. Work Weekends

A.  ____________

VII. Make Time for Fun

A. A busy college student needs time to relax, too.

B.  ______________


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